Monday, May 18, 2015

10 Clangers

  1. I'm really a good person, Father.
  2. I'm very Catholic.
  3. You don't have to go to church to show you're a Catholic.
  4. Mum never committed a sin in her life.
  5. I know people who are more christian than the ones who go to Church.
  6. We want our child to make up its own mind.
  7. I go to the Mass on the television.
  8. I don't go to Mass but I have my faith.
  9. The Church should get with the times.
  10. I heard we're allowed to do that now.
Send me your favourite clanger and if I like it, and I don't promise that I will, it might be added to the list.
  • I'm a Catholic but I leave all that sort of thing to the wife. She's the religious one. (Jools)
  • I don't agree with the Church on that point, but my conscience is clear. (J.)
  • I don't like that Latin Mass because the priest has his back to me. (VSC)
  • Of course I go to Communion every Sunday, but haven't been to Confession for 10 years. It's not like I murdered somebody! (VSC)
  • I don't go to Mass because I don't think I have nice enough clothes. (VSC)


  1. kzI'm a Catholic but I leave all that sort of thing to the wife. She's the religious one.

  2. I don't agree with the Church on that point, but my conscience is clear.

  3. Vir Speluncae CatholicusNovember 26, 2007 at 5:42 PM

    1. I don't like that Latin Mass because the priest has his back to me.

    2. Of course I go to Communion every Sunday, but haven't been to Confession for 10 years. It's not like I murdered somebody!

    3. I don't go to Mass because I don't think I have nice enought clothes.

  4. Can't stand Christians - they're so intolerant.
